Monday, April 11, 2011

Resolution 11-09

Bringing you all up to speed:

On April 6, 2011, the Franklin Town Council adopted Resolution 11-09:
Creation of the Franklin Community Gardens Committee!

Not only that, the Council also approved the motion to appoint 5 members to the committee, folks who have been toiling away for months to get a community garden started here in town. Being a Town Committee will help with having a presence on municipal land, partnering with the various departments such as Rec, DPW, etc.

Members of the FCG Town Committee:
Amy Acevedo
Chris Clay
Nicole Harter
Deb Schwab
Teresa Triana

The work of the FCG Committee will be to get the gardens up and running.
A separate group is in the process of incorporating as a nonprofit as well:
The Friends of Franklin Community Gardens. This second group will be the fundraising arm of the gardens, as the Town committee can not solicit for donations. The Friends group will operate in a similar fashion as the other Friends groups in Franklin. This keeps everything where it should be, and it may be a bit confusing at first, but it will gel.

What will the role of this website be now that there are 2 different groups?

I don't exactly know, but it is a good place to post news and information for both at the moment. What I do know is that the first Community Garden is really, truly happening at King Street Memorial Park, the fence-to-be has already been staked out.

The Town Committee will be having regular public meetings which will be posted on the Municipal calendar and general information on how to sign up or volunteer will be posted on the Recreation Department section on the Town website, that is in the works, so stay tuned. This site will most likely be the Friends connection once the FCG committee gets going.

As soon as the FCG committee sets the meeting dates I will post links here as well as agenda information and links to the minutes as we will be following the Open Meeting laws.

I shared this with a few folks recently, but it is worth repeating:

"A dream you dream alone is only a dream. A dream you dream together is reality."

John Lennon (1940-1980)

Thank you to all the dreamers-turned-doers!

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