Garden Information

Where is the new community garden?
It is at King Street Memorial Park on King Street in Franklin, located near Forest Street. The garden is across the path from the basketball court.

Registration for a garden plot:
see wait list info here:

King Street Plots are raised beds,
approx 2' high, 4 ' across, and 10 feet long
filled with a mix of loam and organic compost

Franklin Community Gardens

Garden Rules and Regulations


The purpose of this document is to establish the eligibility requirements and the rules of garden use for Franklin Community Gardens (FCG).


  • All gardeners and volunteers who use the gardens that are part of FCG.  

General Information:

  • Eligibility for garden space: Application for plot lease shall be open to any current resident, property owner, local community group, business operator, or employee of the Town of Franklin
  • Gardener dues are:  $40.00 per season.
  • Gardeners may apply for plots in one of the following categories: Accessible plots, Community Organization plots, and household plots.
  • Assignment of garden plots will be awarded by a lottery system.
  • Lottery applications will be accepted on the Town of Franklin Recreation Department online activity registration system.  The lottery date will be posted.  If any plots remain after the lottery has been drawn, the registration will remain open until all spots have been filled.
  • Wait list:  If all spots have been distributed for each category the remainder of applicants will go on a lottery wait list.
  • For the following season leased plots may be renewed to gardeners in good standing.
  • The Garden Committee is responsible for ensuring that the rules are followed at all times.

Rules and Regulations:

As a gardener, I accept and will abide by the following:

  • I will plant within two weeks of obtaining the plot and keep it planted all season long.
  • If I must abandon my plot for any reason, I will notify the garden leaders.
  • I will keep weeds down and maintain the areas immediately surrounding my plot.
  • If my plot becomes unkempt, I understand I will be given one week notice to maintain it.  After that time, if it is not maintained, it will be re-assigned to individual or organization on the FCG wait list.
  • I will keep trash and litter cleaned from my plot, as well as from adjacent pathways and fences.
  • I will harvest in a timely manner.
  • I will garden only in my own plot unless given permission by another plot user.
  • I understand all plots at the FCG will be organic and the use of non-organic fertilizers, insecticides or weed repellents is forbidden. When in doubt, see the garden coordinator.
  • I agree to complete at least four volunteer hours per season toward community gardening efforts.
  • I will not bring pets to the garden.
  • At the close of the gardening season, I will remove all man-made objects and compost all non-wintering plants from my plot.
  • I understand that I will be held responsible for guests that I bring to FCG.
  • I understand that my plot is not transferable.
  • I understand that the Town of Franklin is not responsible for my actions.  I therefore agree to hold harmless the Town of Franklin for any liability, damage, loss or claim that occurs in connection with use of the garden by me or any of my guests.
  • FCG reserves the right to revoke plot use if a gardener violates any rules and regulations established by the Town or by FCG. No refund will be provided for any garden plots that have been revoked due to misuse.
  • I will abide by all rules and regulations established by Franklin Parks and Recreation for the use of Municipal Facilities.

Town of Franklin Municipal Facilities Use:

The Town of Franklin wants to ensure that every patron using Town facilities has a safe and enjoyable time. The following rules and regulations are as indicated but not limited to the following:

  • Persons shall not enter municipal property under the influence of alcohol or drugs or consuming alcohol or drugs at any time on Town property. Persons shall not possess any alcohol or drugs on Town property.
  • Persons shall not use any tobacco product within any municipal building.
  • Persons shall not possess, use, or store a weapon of any kind such as firearms, knives, or explosives on Town property.
  • Persons shall promptly report all personal injuries and accidents to the staff, including damage to the property of the Town, an employee, or member of the public, regardless of who is responsible for damage.
  • Persons shall not steal, or attempt to steal any property of the Town, of an employee, or of the Public.
  • Persons shall not knowingly falsify any document that may be required as part of using the facility. NO person shall defraud the Town in any manner.
  • Persons shall not fight, assault, threaten, or otherwise endanger any employee of the Town, or member of the public.
  • No person shall litter on municipal property.
  • Persons shall not engage in threatening or abusive language or actions or any harassment, discourteous, indecent, or immoral conduct directed towards any employee or a member of the public.
  • Persons shall not engage in horseplay or any form of disruptive conduct while on Town property.
  • Persons shall not loiter on Town property.
  • Persons shall observe all traffic laws and traffic signs while on Town property.
  • Persons shall comply with all safety rules and notices.
  • Persons shall report defective equipment or unsafe conditions of any equipment or facilities that may endanger anyone.
  • Persons shall not misuse, abuse, damage, or tamper with the property of the Town or an employee or member of the public.
  • Persons shall not use Town property or enter Town offices without proper authorization.
  • All complaints or concerns should be directed to the supervisor of the facility and the Town Administrator.
  • No animals (except those needed for visually impaired, or allowed with prior permission by the Town) are allowed within Town Buildings. All persons with an animal on Town Property must remove any feces from the property. All animals must be leashed.
  • The Town assumes no responsibility for lost or stolen goods.
  • No solicitation or sales of goods or services without prior written approval of the Town Administrator.
  • Persons that fail to follow the rules and regulations of the Town or other rules or regulations established by each Department may be subject to loss of privilege to use the Town facilities. Depending on the severity of the offense, or frequency of the offenses, the Town may initiate legal action.