Saturday, May 7th, 2011
Thank you, Friends, for building Franklin's first Community Gardens with us!
Thank you to all the wonderful volunteers, over 40 in all,
It could not have happened without You.
Thank you to our partners and sponsors:
Town Adminstrator Jeffrey Nutting said "great idea, Go For It!"
The Franklin Town Council for embracing and supporting Franklin's first community garden
The Hockomock YMCA our major sponsor
Franklin Department of Public Works made the earth move and water flow
Franklin Recreation Department made signups and registration easy
McIntyre Loam luscious loam
Groundscapes Express gorgeous organic compost
Franklin Lumber your friendly local lumber company
Whole Foods healthy snacks and hydration
Attorney Richard Cornetta the Friends of Franklin Community Gardens Nonprofit's Super Hero
Franklin Food Pantry Neighbors helping neighbors
Franklin Interfaith Counsel for spreading the word
C&A Masonry and Tommy Carlucci for the bobcat
Franklin Downtown Partnership and Franklin Rotary lent us their tents, so we could survive the rail and hail
King Street Cafe & Deli awesome heroes for our heros
Central Pizza the slice that makes a meal!
New England Chapel for all of their support
Franklin Community Garden Committee
Friends of Franklin Community Gardens
and a special thank you to our spouses, children, and families!