Please join us on July 13th and 14th, from 9am to 11am, at the King St. Memorial Garden for child focused gardening events. Grown-up children welcome as well! Attendees can make their own pots and plant green beans in them to take home. We will also be planting green beans in the garden itself. These beans will then be available for children to harvest at events on September 7th and 8th, when the beans are mature.

We will also be giving tours of the garden to help children identify the plants that grow the fruits and vegetables that they love, or refuse, to eat. This is an excellent opportunity to have your children learn about where their food comes from, and eat something they've grown from seed. In the short time since the garden was founded we've had numerous parents comment on the difference growing their own vegetables made in their children's eating habits. This is an opportunity for the community at large to join in the fun, so please tell your friends!