The gardens are looking incredible. Keep up the good work!
Many thanks to the Franklin DPW for our newest sign and recent waterworks tweaks.
Also a public thank you to a certain friend of the community gardens (ahem, that's you, Diane Rappa) for the donation of 3 compost bins she set aside for us last year! They're up and running (or should that be cooking?)
Here's a couple of pics from the garden front:
Merrie Whitney's first tomatoes of the season!
2 cases of lettuce from the Giving Garden Beds for the Franklin Food Pantry, wow!
green and wax beans, also headed to the Pantry
green and wax beans, also headed to the Pantry
Here's the gardenmail in case you missed it:
A notice to all Franklin Community Gardeners:
1-Please harvest your produce regularly......if you are on vacation ask a fellow gardener to harvest for you and perhaps donate to the Franklin Food Pantry;
2-One of the agreed terms to renting a plot is to keep the surrounding area well kept....please weed the area AROUND your raised bed and if the mood strikes you please weed some of the common area near the fence;
3-Regarding the Franklin Food Pantry: There will be boxes at the garden on Friday from 6:00pm-7:00pm. If you have extra produce kindly place in the box and it will be delivered to the pantry. You can also take your produce to the pantry yourself if need be.
4- If you are growing veggies or fruits that have taken over your bed with considerate of your neighbor and don't let those vines take over their plot;
5-A reminder: to drain the hose after you water; the water is on until 8:00pm every night.
6-Some have inquired about the volunteer hours that is needed by each plot renter.....this year we are not going to keep track of the volunteer hours performed but here are a few ideas to help out...
a. See number two above,
b. When we schedule a work day to build, repair, clean the area...try to attend
c. Come to our meetings; we hold them twice a month....plan to attend at least one a month:(Sept 12, 26) (Oct 17) (Nov. 7, 28)
d. Participate in Plant-a-row (see website for more information)
e. Come and talk with your neighbor....great way to get recipes for all your freshly picked produce!
Committee of the Franklin Community Gardens
Enjoy Your Harvests!